KArtsCon - Kent Arts Conference Logo

The Kent Arts Conference (KArtsCon) is an annual event that brings together people who are interested in the arts to share their ideas, knowledge, and experience around a theme. Read more about our history.

The theme for 2024 is Art as Legacy. Our full schedule is now out. You can see profiles of our presenters and workshop leaders here. We can’t wait to welcome you to KArtsCon2024 this July.

KArtsCon2024 is hosted by Music & Audio Technology, School of Arts, University of Kent at The Historic Dockyard. We were also hosted here in 2023 with the conference theme of “He(Art): Emotions and Creativity

Click the Photo below to see an overview of KArtsCon 2024.

KArtsCon2024 attendees posing together on Day 2
KArtsCon2024 attendees posing together on Day 2

Presenters for 2024

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Past Conferences

We have had some wonderful conferences over the years...

This is our 11th conference, and we even held a fully online conference in 2020 because of the pandemic, and a hybrid one in 2021

Don’t forget to follow us too on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.



The Fibres of Art


Art for Change


Changing the Narrative


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Kent Arts Conference